Practice Exam

1. Free weights can help in developing the smaller synergistic muscles.

2. Biceps are a primary mover (agonist) in a bicep curl. What is the antagonist muscle?

3. The Anaerobic System must rely on carbohydrates for ATP production.

4. Popular reasons why free weights are better than machines include:

5. How many muscles are in your body (roughly)?

6. What are the main reasons to have a spotter?

7. What are the most common signs of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)?

8. If the hip adductor is the prime mover in an exercise, what is the antagonist?

9. Breathing should be performed as inhaling as the muscles lengthen and exhaling as the muscles contract.

10. Which one of these is not within your scope of responsibilities?

Grade Exam